We will help you get job offers from companies across the EU, Switzerland, and Norway. And it’s completely FREE!
We will negotiate the best job offer for you in the countries and industries you select. You will receive an SMS from us with an indicative job offer (from – to). If you find it interesting, you can respond YES, and we will connect you with the respective company that will provide you with any details regarding the respective job. We will provide full support during the job interview and all administration issues. If you find the offer uninteresting, you can respond NO and set your own conditions you expect.
We will help you get a job based on your specialisation in all countries of the European Union, in Switzerland and Norway. You can work as a welder, CNC operator, locksmith, warehouse worker, milling machine operator, or you can choose from dozens of other industries. There is no need for extensive experience, however, it is a great advantage when negotiating the conditions. The better you are at your job, the better conditions you get.
Bohužel NE. Aktuálně nejsou ceny za práci v těchto lokalitách podle našich představ.
The best UI Kit for developers. So easy to implement and publish.
The best UI Kit for developers. So easy to implement and publish.