Don’t search for a job, let the job find you!

We will help you get job offers from companies across the EU, Switzerland, and Norway. And it’s completely FREE!

From the information provided by you, we will create a Job Profile and CV that will multiply your chances to get a well-paid job.


people find their job in the industry


satisfaction with the quality of our service


people find their job in the industry


satisfaction with the quality of our service

You pay nothing! Everything is absolutely free. From the creation of your Job Profile to the start of your new job.

Getting a job has never been easier

“Choosing a new job is like choosing new shoes. You just need to try them on.”

Create your CV in our user-friendly application

Create your CV in 6 steps, and we will translate it to the language of the country you will select for your job.

We will connect by phone

Together, we will discuss your expectations and find out how you are doing with the language.

We will negotiate the best job offer for you

We will negotiate the best job offers in the industry you want to work in.

You will receive an indicative offer based on your Profile

If you accept the offer, we will connect you with the company that will provide you with this offer in the respective country on a contractual basis.

Only with us: You will always have a contract with a local company in the country where you work.

Any job commencement paperwork will be handled by our team together with your new employer.

Make up to 5-times more 🖐️

We will help you adapt to the new working environment and start earning multiple times more money.

We will negotiate the best job offer for you in the countries and industries you select. You will receive an SMS from us with an indicative job offer (from – to). If you find it interesting, you can respond YES, and we will connect you with the respective company that will provide you with any details regarding the respective job. We will provide full support during the job interview and all administration issues. If you find the offer uninteresting, you can respond NO and set your own conditions you expect.

Select from more than 84 industries and crafts

We will help you get a job based on your specialisation in all countries of the European Union, in Switzerland and Norway. You can work as a welder, CNC operator, locksmith, warehouse worker, milling machine operator, or you can choose from dozens of other industries. There is no need for extensive experience, however, it is a great advantage when negotiating the conditions. The better you are at your job, the better conditions you get.


and crafts


across Europe

How much do I earn on average anywhere?

Financial evaluation 2025

2000 - 3000 €

+ 13th and 14th salary

Leave all your worries to us

We will connect you with the company where you get information about your workplace, wage, accommodation and much more.
We will help you through the job interview if you do not speak the language of the country where you want to work, or we will offer you another job.


YES! The only difference is that you will only get your full salary after the induction training which is approximately 6 months.
There will always be accommodation arranged for you, paid and subsequently deducted from your wage.
NO. Most commonly the accommodation is provided in the form of a hotel / guest house.
You can only start without pets, however, subsequently, you can get accommodation where you can have your pet.
If he/she is also interested in a job, than certainly YES.
In the future, we plan to get more partners who will also pay you adequately close to the border; for now, it is a complicated topic.
NO. It is not a problem at all. There are jobs available in cities where you can commute by bike, public transport, etc.
The wage is individual craft by craft. We have indicative prices on our Dilibees FB site.
YES. Currently, it is a problem, but we believe that we can work this out in the future.
You cannot. We work quickly. Once you receive a job offer from our partner, in most cases, you need to be ready for a work trial within a week.
It is a disadvantage, not a problem.
We do not accept self-employed persons.
Unfortunately NO. Currently, the prices for work in these locations do not satisfy our expectations.

Bohužel NE. Aktuálně nejsou ceny za práci v těchto lokalitách podle našich představ.

About Dilibees

We are a company that helps people get jobs in the EU, Switzerland and Norway. The priority of our services is SPEED. We focus on placing qualified people in industrial and construction sectors.
We believe that FAIR PLAY is the highest value. We know how important it is to reach the satisfaction of everyone, in terms of both companies and co-workers.
Всичко беше лесно и както се разбрахме във фирмата направихме заедно автобиография на немски език Dilibees фирмата ми намери много добър работодател Аз съм не знаех немски ама Dilibees Фирмата където координаторът е че ми помага Разбрахме се че съм на на временен договор за шест месеца направихме проби и ми взеха веднага на работа затова съм спокоен след като направих пробите има понаучихме с работата мисля да взема семейството си и да работим заедно в Германия защото като почнах заради тази Dilibees фирма Нов живот вече съм на постоянен трудов договор и добра зарплата от 3200 евро благодаря на фирма Dilibees за помощта от мен оценка номер едно за съдействие и помагане в тези не лесни времена

Lazar L.

Svářeč - Německo

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Do you have any questions? Write us

In general, we will reply within 24 hours.

Are you ready to find a job
and start making more money?


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